Color In Motion
What's your favourite colour? Mine is purple, which apparently makes me ambitious, artistic, aloof and arrogant. As if!
This is according to a website called Colour in Motion. I have to say I have no idea whatsoever as to the validity of this colour analysis stuff. Nowhere on the site does it say what its sources are or how they came to their conclusions, so please don't take this as serious scientific research. It's way too much fun for that, and cute too. The design and execution are a great example of Flash animation doing its thing and the content, whilst limited, is most engaging.
Once you're through the intro you can enter three sections, nicely presented as star dressing rooms that you click to enter. The first door tells you about the colours individually. Through the second are animated cartoons representing the different colours' personalities, and the third door is the interactive Lab.
The lab has three funky little games involving colour - my favourite being Project 1, which asks you to compose a still scene using all the available props and drawing tools. There's no prize, and no judgement at the end, but you can print out your scene to keep if you want.
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